Imagine giving a thief more than six months to wander around your house, inventorying valuables, copying keys, and finding your hidden safe. This might sound absurd, but in the digital…
Teramind is more than just an employee monitoring tool. It’s a comprehensive solution for enhancing productivity and safeguarding your data.
Microsoft announced some updates to their licensing structure. Let 43Tc help you navigate these changes.
Cybersecurity is a constantly evolving field. There are new threats, technologies, and opportunities emerging every year. As we enter 2024, organizations need to be aware of current and future cyber…
43Tc ranks among top Healthcare IT providers
According to a recently published report from Malwarebytes, malware is more devastating to businesses with less than 1,000 employees than enterprise corporations. Despite many SMB businesses stating they had anti-malware technologies…
Small business owners tend to think that their business data is not attractive to hackers. If you think that they won’t come after your Columbia small or medium sized business, think again….
Here is the how much, why, and what businesses budget for technology. My only ask is that you make it past the “How much” section to get to the exciting…
Is your IT Department enthusiastic or growing weary? As small and medium sized businesses grow and start to hire Internal IT departments, company leaders tend to think that an IT department…
Since CBT just completed voting for the Top of the Town businesses, I thought it would be appropriate to create my own list — of the top five technology mistakes…
Columbia is ahead of the curve in faster internet. Is increasing productivity something your business would benefit from? If so, this column is for you. This month, we’re looking at…
Have you ever thought about what would happen to your business in the event of a disaster?
According to FEMA, 40 percent of businesses will not reopen after a disaster, and another 25 percent will fail within a year. Chances are you have insurance to help you rebuild in the case of a natural disaster, but what if you lose your information systems and data?
Here are three steps to take to help make sure your business can weather a storm and ensure your data is secure.